
So She Wasn't Even Miss Right?

More About My Real First Crush

So My First Crush Was Someone Else?

Cake Boss' Review on Sillybank: Why It's Not Worth It Investing Your Money There!

The Express Mail: Why the Fax Must Go!

Why You Shouldn't Invest Money in Arrogant Banks

The Hypocrisy of Pinoy Pridists

Sooner or Later, Nickelodeon Girls Will Graduate

Juan Ponce Ernile Playing Bejeweled on Senate? That's Worse than Vitaliano Aguirre Jr.'s Incident!

That Uneasy Feeling When I'm Near That Pamela Anderson Lookalike

Being Careful About Arrogant Banks

Why The Standard Express Mail Will Never Be Obsolete!

Low-Tech Stuff Better Than Fax Machines!

Bad Banks... and What I Have To Say About Them!

Fax Machines... Why I Agree They're Obsolete

Some People Are Too Left Behind with Technology in the Business World

Pinoy Pridists Need... A BRIGHT SLAP!

Chatime's Coffee Milk Tea

Some Weird Aesthetics from the 70s-80s Tokusatsu and Anime

Rhian Ramos Howell Picture I Found as of November 3, 2013

Pretty and Natural Victoria Justice

Clash of the Titans Original vs. Remake