A Few Ironies I'm Running Into...

Well here are a few ironies I do run into these days...

Some smokers still look younger than they really are... Gong Li is in her 40s but looks very young (and believe me I'm a Chinese movie fanatic more than I ever watch Tokusatsu), Emma Roberts who is in her 20s smokes but still looks like a teenager or perhaps one of my favorites, Toshihide Wakamatsu who really smokes is in his late 40s but looking 30s (after twenty years of not showing up for Tokusatsu and seeing him do J-Dramas hey what's that guy's secret?!)... sigh that's just PLAIN weird for me.  Hey what if they're just occasional smokers like I was before?!  Or I do admit I know somebody who's in his 70s, still looking young despite the fact he's always smoking... CRAZY!  Maybe the lung disease they have will trigger when they're much older?!

Sometimes it's the health freak that hits by a life threatening disease.  Then again, not so ironic if the person is taking too much carrots.  I've had too much spinach but the worst it did for me was upset stomach.  Not for too much carrots as it blows up the liver!

Japanese TV is more violent yet there are more children in America who imitate such violence?!

Sometimes the greatest of heroes do have a character flaw we don't expect...
click to zoom

Or your best friend who you came to believe in falls into delusions...

Some of the smartest people are quite dumb with the simple things... no wonder it's easy to label them as stupid when they are NOT.  These people are better off being consultants than leaders in the world of business and economics!

Sometimes the people we consider to be "mean and inconsiderate" at first are those who are most willing to show us mercy when we're having a difficult time coping up... that is IF we ask for their help!  Talk about the jerk with a HEART OF GOLD!

There is more freedom in strict countries... but I love this reality! :)

Sometimes some villains have motives that are good like keeping the city clean of crime... like Frollo!  However they soon go berserk when they get too full of themselves, wanting to purge the world of vice and sin by themselves!

Or talk about when you're infatuated with a living contradiction... like when you've got somebody who hates white people suddenly falling for a white woman... or a noble hero falling for a noble villain... woah!

Or the odd matching couples but I can be a fan of it... and I don't find it laughable either except if one or both were mentally incapacitated... okay I'm using the Ryuji x Ayumi picture for an illustration even if they're not confirmed to be dating in real life.

Sometimes you realize your feelings when it's too late.

Sometimes it's the ugly woman who's got the big flirty attitude and plenty of partners... and vice-versa too...

People would rather believe somebody who's been LYING to them repeatedly than the truth... wowoweee!!!  These people seem kind and all (putting a mask on) and yet they're the biggest backstabbers EVER!

Oh yeah you've got nobodies (like illegitimate children of nobles like the three fictitious characters above- Egobossler was the son of a noble and a maidservant via an extramarital affair yet he ends up becoming the biggest SOB that Tatsunoko productions ever conceived, Daibazaal was the son of the previous emperor by what could be extramarital affair the state sorceress Honerva yet he became the biggest SOB in the super robot wars history, and Zanbazil was born out of an extramarital affair between the previous emperor and an unknown woman who presumably arranged Zanbazil's ascent to the Boazan throne) becoming nightmares who will literally shake the world with their terror... many characters in fiction are based on real life examples from generals to even rulers of nations.  Who would have thought for example that a poor country boy would one day cause a great world war?!  Who would have thought that a dreamy boy would one day create a system that would oppress everyone worldwide?  TV Tropes would call them as "nobody to nightmare".

I guess this is just the answer from Gai Ikari's point of view...

Looks like the greatest treasure hasn't been found after all!!!  Sorry Gai, there's too much to learn!
