Oh yeah any 90s child may remember this... it was those days when it was the really cheap, low quality, perhaps the computer was too much of a cheating bastard... and yes those were the days when the famous games were but 8-bit, there were pirated games and so on. Here was the very first memory...
These was how simple games were... and...
There were games that just ended when you could no longer score higher. Pacman was one. Before Pacman was given a personality, he was just a chomper. Now Pacman is a real mascot.
And later with the NES, there were also FAKE versions of SNES games. Man I was conned! ARGH! I'm just glad to play the real version of the game later.
All I have to admit was that it was so brittle, it was easily a goner and I cried several times when one unit broke down. All I can say is later is good riddance yet playing the NES games on a higher system is still fun like...
Like how the Megaman Anniversary Collection contains the NES Megaman games from 1-7,the SNES Megaman and Megaman 8 as its default content. It was fun playing them except the glitches aren't around. :)
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