Aladdin 2019 is arriving 20 days from now and guess what -- I'm really starting to wonder how Disney is doing so much of mismatched cast. Heck, I don't even think a prettier and hotter Mulan next year will do any justice either -- they should just secure a younger Chinese actress and not Liu Yi Fei! Now, I'd like to talk about Aladdin's cast mismatch as half-British and half-Indian actress Naomi Scott not only got miscast IMHO in Power Rangers (2017) but also in Aladdin. The cast are mostly Middle Eastern so why is an Indian acting as Princess Jasmine?
Naomi being of Indian descent made me think, "She should have been interacting with Sun Wukong than Abu or riding a flying lotus than a flying carpet!" and be cast as Guan Yin in a Journey to the West movie. But I think I'll give it a chance but I'd rather see her fly in a magic lotus flower and delivering sentient beings from their sufferings. Though what worries me more isn't Naomi's current role but the fact that Aladdin (2019) may lack the charm that the 90s movie had.
Honestly, while Nostalgia Critic does have some offensive stuff in his reviews but I dare agree with him with the context of his review of Beauty and the Beast. What I really think of it is that it's Disney's bland remake. The whole cover of 2017's Beauty and the Beast's soundtrack is B-L-A-N-D and maybe that's why I don't like modern music as much. Sure, I do enjoy modern shows but some of them just don't hit it right. I don't care if something is new or old -- just give me quality. Then there's the issue of cast mismatches -- Emma Roberts should've been Belle (body wise, height wise and face wise is more fitting) and Zac Efron should've Gaston IMHO. I felt Emma Watson as Belle is meh and Luke Evans looks more like a muscular Jafar.
I wonder where is Disney heading? Lion King remake? Mulan trying to captivate with Yi Fei's Brigitte Lin type looks? TBH I dunno how my childhood is crumbling down before my eyes. I just feel like wishing I had a genie right now to wish this would just stop!
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