Childhood Nostalgia: When Floppy Disks Become Plot Points In Kiddie Shows


I could remember the 1990s were a good and bad time. I could remember how often I quarreled with my parents because I had to miss an episode of my favorite cartoon on a Saturday (such as Conan the Adventurer) or how owning a PC was a "luxury", how the dial-up modem prevented phone calls, and there was the FLOPPY DISK. I found it so UNRELIABLE especially when it came to making projects. I had to trim down my projects because how these disks had VERY LIMITED SPACE. Yet, these diskettes have been a plot device in many of the past shows. One can talk about action cartoons like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) or Street Sharks to name a few. You may also talk about Tokusatsu when a floppy disk becomes a plot point. 

Maybe, one can think about the 1980s or the 1990s shows. Obviously, the shows had to fit with the times. The floppy disk was often used for school work and office work. It's only normal that these kiddie shows would have floppy disks. The floppy disk would contain certain information such as schematics designs, secret formulas, or just anything that could easily change the tide of the world.

Watching Tokkei Winspector (a show in the 1990s) had me thinking of the finale arc. There was a floppy disk containing data of the crime syndicates. Okay, it was aired in 1991 so the show may have failed to predict the rise of the 3.5 floppy or newer technology. I guess Toei Ltd. bit more than it could chew even if Winspector was a big success in contrast to Chikyu Sentai Fiveman. I was simply thrown back at how the unreliable floppy disk could change the tide in a show. 

The floppy disk may have been discontinued BUT it's never forgotten. I was thinking about how the 3.5 floppy disk is now the symbol of saving one's work. Sure, we don't buy floppy disks anymore. Yet, they did get memorialized as a stepping stone toward external storage. I guess the kiddie show plots involving floppy disks will never be forgotten either. 
