Remembering the hostage crisis of Chinese tourists in the Philippines, the truth can be seen that the Philippines is full of Beetle Baileys working in the public service especially in the area of law and order. Why? Well, many Filipinos are proud of the negative Filipino image of being lazy, tardy and incompetent. In short, the hostage crisis could have been solved if it wasn't for the negative Filipino image. Aside from just the not so everyday hostage crisis, government banks are guarded by Beetle Baileys that it's so, so easy to rob them. Or one can see Beetle Baileys in the police force and military. They don't do their work properly and they waste their money on liquor too. Let any diligent Filipino (and they happen to have descended from other ethnic groups than the "native" Filipino) scold the Beetle Baileys and there is a high chance they can get accused of treason and non-nationalistic while such people think colonial mentality is an act of nationalism.
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