Rhian Ramos Howell's Statements from Twitter for Mo Twisted

"These fables and lies will be corrected in court. As this is being made into a PR battle and countless 'final statements,' I'd like to save my efforts for my case.

"As he values public approval, I value the truth and justice and would rather not sacrifice that.

"I cannot make carefully crafted statements, I cannot give stories and force everyone to buy it just because I'll tell them 'I don't lie,'  'I don't Twist the truth,' I cannot sway you with the eloquence of thirty-four years in this world.

"But in this first year of my adulthood, this is my quest to become a new me, the me that will actually, for once, stand up for herself.

"But when I do, I will do it the right way and in the right place. See you in court."

I finally think it's time to take some action girl.  Truly she's got the guts.  Hmmm.... I love that in a woman.  It's just time somebody takes care of this cyclone before he gets another victim.  She's 21, she's got lots to learn and now I hope this is one major lesson she'll never forget... being able to stand against such bullies!
