Mo Twisted vs. Hayden Kho... Who's On Top?

This is a funny photoshop I found all over the Internet from this link:

Yeah the two of them seem to be like the infamous Canadian-Chinese, Edison Chen or could be competing with him, or probably close friends with him.

Mo Twisted was having several women, he had love children he may have never admitted his paternity to them.  Also, Bunny Paras herself admitted that Mo Twisted has stopped sending support o their love child as well. Now he's accusing Rhian Ramos Howell of a crime that can't even be verified... and also deceiving girls!

For Hayden Kho, he's got his infamous affair with Vicky Belo, then while in that relationship, he had multiple sex videos with several women.  This one seems to be closer to being Edison Chen's Filipino counterpart than Mo Twisted.

Regardless, it's time to raise or your voice to vote who's on top by commenting here!!!  I could be wrong somewhere so correct me and GIVE ME SOURCES if you happen to have any!
