I was thinking that it might be time to actually get on with the new Blogger interface though I am afraid it will take time to adjust. As said, newer doesn't always mean better even in technological advancements. I've experienced that in using several versions of office applications, some of them are frustrating me as the older version may be easier to use. Okay so I wonder why is Blogger actually trying to use this new interface. I'll just have to try and check what is new and perhaps say that the new interface is better than the old one. Right now, I am even feeling that I may enjoy this new interface and another feeling that I won't. So how's your interaction with blogger's new interface? Kindly voice out... I'm just starting to use it! So if you're an IT/CS expert, I hope you can comment and talk about it too... that is because you're WAY more knowledgeable in that area than I ever will be.
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