Feeling Matured But Still Childish Filipino Minors

It just has this really thought of this "feeling matured" shit especially with how the Philippines is downright affected by it (and in an over-extension America).  What do I mean by this?  While these people tease their peers of watching Tokusatsu to be "childish" they tend to do "adult stuff" that really make them moronic resulting to just like that photo above of these idiots imitating the adults they see.  And it's definitely something that this form of "nationalism" has already hit the mindsets of many Filipino minors and turned into chicken brains to a certain degree.  So they can't wait to grow up or they can you're not mature until you do such stuff.  So what's in it for them really?

So why do I say they're freaking childish?  Thinking about it, they do stuff that they think are cool (but are actually doing some other childish activities themselves) but in reality it is really bodily destroying them like getting drunk, getting their lungs burned by chain smoking, failing their subjects because they keep cutting classes thus wasting their parents' hard-earned money or even entering into places that could get them killed (fraternities for instance)- and they can't even afford a good insurance.  I would also blame the values taught by much of Filipino TV dramas these days especially those that try to "speed up" the growing process, even by encouraging little girls to dress up like bad girls and little boys to grow up as bad men.

It's just like Squidward teasing Spongebob for going to his grandma or teenagers who while constantly feeding their mind with dirty thoughts, however were caught playing a game of soccer using a coconut husk inside the classroom.  So enough of this already!!!!
