One of the biggest problems of many Filipinos these days is overspending. That is right.... they are asking for consideration and then they get it, however this can become a ground of abuse between Filipinos who budget vs. those who do not. The problem can be as simple as this...
Many Filipinos sad to say are a problem to their fellow Filipinos. In what way? There was the old Filipino-Chinese proverb that goes, "When the person has no money, they ask for pity and when they have money, they don't save wisely." That can be true which can be illustrated in this example...
A lot of Filipinos are trapped in debt. The reason can be because if they can't afford something they immediately charge it to their credit cards or two, you should consider the hard to accept fact such Filipinos just keep loaning from their countrymen. These loans can have a range of inexcusable excuses rather than real excuses because they have stupid reasons... and the government can be part of it too. This can also be attributed to extravagant fiestas.
The problem of colonial mentality is another. This also affects budget spending and could be the top reason. They have to have everything imported as better or today it can be called as, "American superiority mentality" because many Filipinos tend to overrate everything American. Plus just to get an imported sardines that's more expensive (but not necessarily tastier) they owe money. It's all about their huge love for imported stuff... even when it's garbage!
Another sad event is how many Filipino workers whether in their country or not are actually raising a lazy bum. That is sad but true. Some Filipinos have cultivated the habit of making their children work but sadly many even SPOIL their children even if their income isn't good. Some Overseas Filipino Workers aren't heroes but rather parasite breeders. Only if they knew how to budget the money so they do not have to keep going abroad anymore!
You could consider the family habits of spending more than they can afford. If they can't really get the money to support their wants, they get into the stupidest things to ever happen like forcing their son/daughter to marry a rich spouse so they can waste all the want. What is often ignored is this- if I am a billionaire who is marrying a low class woman, only my wife becomes rich and not my in-laws. They have all their ridiculous notions. In fact, our former manservant even wanted to marry a rich girl young enough to be his daughter so he can continue supporting that lazy nephew of his. What stupid idiots!
Seriously this must stop if the Philippines is to improve!
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