Why is he the leader of No Direction? Obviously he has no direction, he just runs around in circles and everywhere. For the past four SONAs, all President Nobita does is turn Gloria Abobo into his "convenient scapegoat". While I would admit Gloria is corrupt BUT his faults are not her faults. I mean, while I'm glad Gloria Abobo is getting what she deserves but, she doesn't deserve to be the scapegoat of an otherwise incompetently stupid President. President Nobita should avoid hiding his blunders under the Malacanang's tatami mat and finish his work properly before 2016!
But one point proves Nobita has no direction. He offers no real vision, just him defending DAP... and of course empty promises of swift justice. If there's really swift justice, why aren't ALL of Gloria Abobo's cronies locked up? Why aren't Macoy cronies in the past locked up during the first term? Juan Ponce Enrile should have been locked up YEARS AGO with all his fellow Macoy cronies. Why is the pig Franklin Drilon STILL IN POWER?! To President Nobita, his term is just a video game isn't it? How I wish his nose grew every time he made a lie during that SONA!
Why is President Nobita always defending the Disbursement Acceleration Program? One fact about DAP is this: (Source)
One-third of the DAP or Php49.8 billion went to virtually no-impact spending – consisting of equity infusion or payments to financial institutions, landlords and big business, Africa said. He cited the P30-billion DAP fund that went to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) as one of the examples of no-impact projects. He said that a check with the BSP annual reports revealed that only P31 million or 0.1 percent of the total amount received by the BSP was given as credit to small and micro entrepreneurs.
A total of P10.17 billion from DAP went to the pockets of landowners and big business, Africa said. Of this, P5.4 billion was used by the Department of Agrarian Reform to pay 4,000 landowners, including the President’s family for Hacienda Luisita land. The P4.1 billion for the Department of Education was used as advanced payment for the two private companies engaged in the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) school building program. The remaining P630 million was used by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) for payment of right-of-way claims.
Twelve percent of the DAP went to low-impact spending, Africa said. These included the P10.4 billion of DAP used to pay for foreign services, foreign goods and equipment. One of these is the P450-million Jalaur River multipurpose project. Africa said the amount was used as an initial payment to Korean corporations for the pet project of Senate President Franklin Drilon.
While President Nobita did stimulate the economy but why does always REFUSE to slash down 60/40 in favor of 50/50 and higher? Why doesn't he actually realize DAP is NOT helping the Philippines go higher? With his defending the DAP, one must realize the Failipinos got the leader they deserved.
And the most obvious is Nobitards are just like the minions of Despicable Me... and they'll probably buy a PHP 1,000,000.00 VIP ticket just to get close to him! They're worse than teenagers with raging hormones.
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