Satirical News:Kill Henares Vows to Give Tax Discounts To Those Who Bought High Priced No Direction Tickets!

No Direction band member Kill Henares vows to give tax discounts for all those who bought the No Direction tickets rating from diamond to VIP tickets.  As the No Direction concert on July 28, 2014 is nearing, Kill Henares offers a new bonus for No Direction.  The proposal was approved by President Nobita to increase the popularity ratings of No Direction in the Philippines.  Others who approved where her fellow band members Money Villar, Pink Lacson and Doraemar Roxas.

She said, "By buying the tickets of One Direction, you are supporting the Original Pinoy Music industry.  We of No Direction will guarantee that we have recorded the names of all those who bought the diamond and VIP tickets to get a tax discount.  We will give 30% less on taxes for Diamond ticket buyers and 40% less for VIP ticket buyers."

Atty. Viraliano Aguirre said, "This is a victory for the Nobita Liberal Party.  When you open yourself to the Pwede Na Yan culture, you will see your life is better off with it than without it.  I believe it's only justifiable for our fellow No Directioners to be given a tax discount.  You are so great Kill Henares."  Atty. Aguirre was entrusted by Kill Henares to mark the discount stamps on the No Direction tickets.

Kill Henares said, "Well remember keep your tickets and it should have this BIR discount mark.  When you watch our concert, we will validate your tickets.  This will grant the viewer the tax discounts for the next quarter."

No Directioners are now seen sleeping at the Quirino Grandstand, as they cannot wait for the big day of No Direction's first concert.
