I Just Pre-Ordered Mortal Kombat X For The PS3 A Week Ago!

So much for my so-called butthurt, I finally pre-ordered Mortal Kombat X with a downpayment of PHP 1,000.00 which for me, is much more worth than any live concert which I can afford.  So the date is next month on June 2, 2015 so maybe, it's good I didn't get a PS4 yet even if I can afford (I don't want to be spendthrift).  Meanwhile here's what I am thinking...

Pre-ordering means you get to play as the legendary Goro for free and a metal casing at the same time.  So what order bonuses do I get?  Maybe I'm not getting a shirt or a figurine (I don't really care unless it's Liu Kang so I hate Deadly Alliance for not including him), but I can get some freebie downloads.  Playing as a depowered Goro would be fun so I wonder why did Netherrealm decide to make him more of a DLC than a sub-boss you can unlock by normal means?  I still wonder what the reason behind it is... but I'd love to kick ass as Goro anytime soon.

Meanwhile, I am thinking of trying out Endless Mode (similar to Tekken's Ghost Mode), Challenge Tower and well, the Story Mode.  Again, I am expecting some people to get butthurt over, "Oh I should have waited!" or "Oh no!  Why didn't I pre-order."  On the other hand, this is my momentary butthurt recovery assuming Netherrealm decides to release a Komplete Edition for both systems, =P
