Months after the Toku comedy series Nihonjin No Heishi ended with higher ratings than Ryusoulger and Kamen Rider Zero-One - Toei unveils its newest project. The movie spin-off Gohan Heishi - Mirai No Sensi (Gohan Heishi Soldier of the Future) was released in early 2019. Now, a new summer movie which is going to be a spin-off. The movie's title will be called Nihojin No Heishi - Mashu Kazan No Funka or Nihonjin No Heishi - Explosion of Mashu Volcano. Toei's reasoning had to do with Magdalo troops distributing relief goods to Taal volcano victims in Batangas Province.
The movie's continuity will have the Ryusoulgers involved. The cast of Ryusoulger was last seen bonding with actor Metal Yoshida for their upcoming project together. The plot involves the long-extinct caldera in Japan known as Mashu Volcano. However, a dangerous unexpected event leads to Mashu Volcano erupting all of a sudden. The Ryusoulgers are seen in a relief operation helping people in Hokkaido who were affected by the eruption. However, the failed hero Nihonjin No Heishi (who will now be joined by Gohan Heishi) are leading their troops to supposedly rescue victims in Hokkaido. However, the Ryusoulgers feel that Nihonjin No Heishi and the Failed Heroes may be the biggest threat to Tokusatsu itself. Whether or not the cast of Kamen Rider Zero-One will join in is still unknown.
The producer tandem will have Naomi Takebe and Jun Hikasa. The action director will be Koichi Sakamoto due to the need for explosions. It is also said that Michael Bay will assist in the film's direction. The writer currently assigned by Gen Urobuchi who wrote the crossover movie Shippaiman x B.S. Man - Continuous Disaster.
Stay tuned for further updates!
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