Many People Waste Their Money Even in Difficulty Especially in Third World Countries

Another reason why poverty can't be totally alleviated is because of poor people who waste their money even when they're in dire difficulty. Take the following examples:
  • A laborer wastes all his money in wine and women after struggling for a week to get his just compensation for all the hard work. Now, he wants to get a younger wife and asks for a cash advance of Php 50,000 for the divorce fees.
  • A daughter of two bums doesn't ride a jeepney. She's always riding a taxi even when she can't afford. Then she sells her stuff to run away from home and manages it pretty badly. Worse she doesn't do her studies well and keeps running away from her problems.
  • A poor guy in hard financial situation is always getting into trouble that involves huge tons of money.
  • In the squatters' area, a lot of people are seen betting money over the toss of a coin. Most of them are gotten from begging on the streets.
  • Some poor people can waste food more than the rich- while I've seen my richer friends consume their food, their lower employees threw away the rice/corn they can't consume.
Truth is, they can't always blame the government or the people. And there are people who are offering lots and I mean lots of jobs, even for the undereducated with GOOD PAY and yet they don't take it all the stupid reasons like fear of injury. Then again, if they're afraid of injury they just need to follow rules and regulations don't you think?
