If I Got That Material Girl... I'd Be DEAD!

I began to think about my struggling thoughts was in courting that material girl. What if I got her? Oh boy, it'd be very bad results if you ask me. Oh, I have to admit that multiple travels, spas, beauty treatments, always changing clothes style, highly expensive tastes and so on are really bad, bad, bad for the budget. I guess that's why she rejected some suitor who wasn't rich - she wants to be sustained in a materialistic environment. Oh boy. Talk about crazy!

Judging on how I want a modest living standard, having a convenient car that's sturdy, living in a moderately spacious house... well it gets to be quite the anti-thesis to that material girl. It may mean spending more money than I could earn, resulting in plenty of negative income. Negative you hear me? Yup, even courtship would require really expensive products like well, honestly I could care less about those brands as much as my wealthier colleagues could care less about them! She wouldn't wipe herself with a regular hankie, it has to be a Chanel or her clothes are just so expensive and oh, dates will be so expensive too! I can't afford to take her to five-star restaurants all the time as she wants to.

Here's the worse - she's a spoiled brat, player (and yeah I should have remembered that), and party girl in ONE PACKAGE. Oh boy, I hope my foolishness doesn't surface!

Note to self- forget about the material girl. She's no good.
