For My Love Of Tone-Deaf Or Bad Singing As A Comedy Device

I could remember how Shin Hye Sun had an obvious dub over in the historical mini-series Hymn of Death. Truth is she's can't sing as evidenced by her BAD SINGING in Legend of the Blue Sea (above). However, it's no turn-off and it really ends up as a funny scene because of how often she gets to sing while showing she really has a bad voice. I try hard not to laugh but I end up laughing at her bad singing. 

I'm just reminded of Chojin Sentai Jetman's 15th episode where Ako reveals she's pretty much off-notes in the class. How and why she became an idol singer in the final episode still baffles me. It would've made sense if Kyoko was the idol singer and Ako was her manager. Yet, Toshiki Inoue ended up writing it that way. I think the whole Ryu x Kaori ending still made a little more sense though it has its critics saying it's forced. Though, it's not as crazy as Ako who's always missing the notes becoming an idol singer. 

Dengeki Sentai Changeman also had its 25th episode with Yuuma's bad singing. Personally, I still can't get over how funny the episode was with using tone-deaf singing to defeat Zonos. I can't forget how I laughed at Yuuma's bad singing at the beginning of the episode. I can understand why the crowd laughed then I suddenly felt sorry for Yuuma. Yuuma's bad singing did save the day. 

Doraemon does also have those crazy moments with Gian. Gian (Damulag in Tagalog) has a bad voice but thinks he's such a good singer. He also sang "Ako Ay May Lobo" (I Have a Balloon) in the Tagalog dub. It really is a source of comedy whenever he sings at the expense of others. As of late, I really want to imagine Gian's forcing others to listen to his bad singing. Though such a plot can be irritating in real life since I can be surrounded by such people.

Just a few thoughts on my favorite comedy device.
