Freebies Aren't Always Good!

I did remember once as a child when I asked my paternal grandmother why everything can't be gotten for free.  She told me not everything in life is for free and that there is always an attachment to it.  There's a payment for everything and not just monetarily.  So I began to think of it that another good topic to write about is on freebies.  So why can I say it's not always good?  Simple.  I began to list these reasons when free stuff isn't good:

1.) Sometimes something is given for free because it's already losing its freshness.

2.) Or the service was given for free because the person was SO LOUSY!

3.) Or let's just say a live show on the road.  You may have a mentally incapacitated person dancing but boy that was so lousy!

4.) Free trips means you need to follow a stricter schedule.  It can also interfere with one's work compared to a trip that was booked on a preferred schedule but earlier though for savings.

5.) Most free treatments.  To be honest, I'd rather pay for my treatments than have them done for free.  Some are good though but only if there was a rich person who paid them to do the treatment like the owner of the University.  But free treatments just free without another person paying?  NAH!

I hope this helps.  Sometimes the best in life always cost SOMETHING.  If something good was given for free, it cost the giver something!
