A Deluded Romance That Goes To Crazier Thoughts

Just my thoughts on a deluded man and his delusional romance...

This is how the guy looks like...

But this how he thinks he looks like...

Too far fetched huh?

Now for the girl he likes...

This is how she looks like but he thinks she looks like...

It's even more far fetched because...

These two don't like anything alike!

Nor do these two look anything alike!

In my own thoughts, I see ugly people and pretty people as they are with little or no shock value at all except for the severely deformed or stunningly pretty. =P  It's only normal a deluded ugly man would find an ugly woman to look too different from her real appearance.  Now that's not love, just delusion because if you love an ugly person, you are aware they're ugly and see them as they are and still like them!
