
I Hope Jasmine-San Will Forgive Me

The Wish for a Caucasian Girl is Still There

It's Pretty Funny But My Younger Sister Has a Nuisance Schoolmate That Looks Like Shan Tsai's Mother and Thinks Like Shan Tsai's Mother Too!

Buying Dog Toys Over Real Ones

Dog Meat... I Won't Bother!

Give Him a Wife to Make That Lazy Guy Diligent? PUH-LEASE!

Many People Waste Their Money Even in Difficulty Especially in Third World Countries

The 90s to the Early 2000s Local Philippine Television Were A LOT MORE Kiddie Show Overloaded

Too Stuck with Classical Music

Falling in Love with Triplets?!

Timeliness: A Problem Among MANY Filipinos!

An Incompetent Laborer's Plead for His Lazy Nephew

The Same Dream... Again!

Meteor Garden Appeals to The Filipino Setting

European Wife vs. American Wife for a Chinese Guy


Amy Jo Johnson's Aging Gracefully

Just Wishful Thinking... Wanting A Pamela Anderson Look-Alike

An Incompetent Laborer In Audience With A Businessman For A Marriage Proposal

Sometimes Orientals Can Be Hotter Than Caucasians

A Secret Denial All These Years: The Want For An Attractive Caucasian Woman

Childhood Celebrity Crushes

Is the Mano Po Series Unrealistic? I Don't Think So!

A More Open Gateway Between Chinese and Westerners

Chinese and Japanese Actresses I'd Like to Date If I Could

Just Met My Old Nemesis Again