
My Assumed Holders of The Title of "Hotter Than Any Super Sentai/Power Rangers" Girl As Picked By Super Sentai/Power Rangers Fans

What I Think of Liu Kang's Gameplay Preview in Mortal Kombat X

My Reaction To Liu Kang's Return in Mortal Kombat X!

Why Blaming Power Rangers Instead of the TV Stations For Super Sentai Not Returning to the Philippines Is Stupid!

The Henshin Con: Way More Reasonably Priced Than The One Direction Event!

Victoria Justice Pictures for March 19, 2015

The Sentai Extremists vs. Power Rangers Extremist War is Getting Too Old and Not to Mention OUT OF HAND!!!!!

Satirical News: Migraine International's Plan to Screen "The Plor Kontemplasyon Story" in 3D is A FAILURE!

Satirical News: Chinese Government Reveals Offenses of the Bitays in China!

Victoria Justice for Kode Magazine

Insane Rant: How I Was Dealing With the After-Effect of Power Rangers Megaforce on Me!

My Strange Dream of Marrying The Haruka Suenaga Lookalike, Jetman Style!

Satirical News: Resigned PNP Alan Impurisima Vows to Perform the Penitensya on Good Friday As an Act of Apology!

Why Haim Saban Isn't Guilty of Legalized Theft!

What President Nobita Aquino and Senator Bongbong Marcos Have in Common